About Us

Since 1996, Atlas Pools, Inc. has been a pioneer in the swimming pool industry in Southern California.

We will work with you to build a lifestyle – individual to your needs, your desires, your specifications. We cater to customers who want an outdoor living space that is functional, beautiful, and is an extension of their home and family space.

We design and build for the long-term so that you will consider your outdoor living environment an asset to your home and a major improvement to your lifestyle – now and for as long as you keep your home.

Our commitment to building high quality, custom pools and outdoor living spaces, along with making customer satisfaction our priority is the number one reason nearly all of our clients are referred to us by former clients or professionals in the design, construction, and pool industry who respect our work.

Meet The Owner

Tulio Alvarez has been in the pool industry for over 25 years. He holds a C-53 Swimming Pool Construction license, as well as C-29 Masonry and C-27 Landscape licenses. His extensive construction portfolio spans Orange and Los Angeles counties, and his work has been photographed and featured in magazines, articles and in industry catalogs, including several projects featured on the cover and interior pages of the National Pool Tile catalog. Tulio has served as an expert witness for construction and equipment defects and is frequently sought out to consult for the industry’s leading equipment and control system manufacturers. Tulio’s #1 reason for success: “I love transforming yards and bringing a design to life. People get so much enjoyment out of their outdoor spaces- it’s amazing to create that. I communicate with my clients every step of the way and follow through to the last detail.


I had a complete backyard remodel done by Atlas pools. They were organized and very professional. The entire process was seamless and the project was completed within the timeline we had discussed from the beginning. I have recommended Atlas Pools to many friends and many have experienced the same satisfaction. I am busy with work so I wanted a pool company that I could trust to get the job done without too much stress. Exceptional work!
Nicolas R.
Backyard Remodel